My Published Articles

The U.S. Government Contract M10 Scabbard, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 127, Spring 2024.

Addendum to 1960s U.S. Scabbards Produced by Viz Manufacturing Co. and Wilson-Duggar Co., Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 125, Fall 2023.

The M4 Second Production Bayonet, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 124, Summer 2023.

1960s U.S. Scabbards Produced by Viz Manufacturing Co. and Wilson-Duggar Co., Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 121, Fall 2022.

Clarifying The Nomenclature Associated With Early Czechoslovakian Mauser Bayonets, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 114, Winter 2020.

Regulation U.S. Fencing Bayonets 1852–1915, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 112, Summer 2020.

Unusual, Unfinished, And Undocumented U.S. Fencing Bayonet, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 102, Winter 2017. (Superceded by Regulation U.S. Fencing Bayonets 1852–1915, above.)

Promise Meets Hard Luck:  The KCB–70 Bayonet; the Eickhorn Brand’s Evolution and Participation in U.S. Bayonet Trials; and the Elusive Pursuit of Commercial Success, Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 97, Fall 2016.

M8A1 Scabbards Produced at the Pennsylvania Working Home for the Blind: Journal of The Society of American Bayonet Collectors, Volume 91, Spring 2015.

The Alpha and the Omega—A Study of Two Japanese Type 99 Short Rifles: Published January 20, 2012 on Surplus Rifle Forum Wiki and Knowledgebase

The Portuguese AR-10 Bayonet: A presentation I authored in September 2008 for a Web development class I was taking

On Point - The German SG. 84/98 III Bayonet for the Kar 98k Rifle: published October 18, 2006, by

On Point - Bayonets for the Short, Magazine, Lee-Enfield Rifles: published August 7, 2006, by

Made By Who? Bayonets From Unlikely Sources: published May 29, 2006, by

Why Collect Bayonets? Part II: published April 24, 2006, by

Why Collect Bayonets?  Part I: published March 23, 2006, by

My Working Papers

Columbus Milpar and Manufacturing Co. (updated November 2023)

Defense Acceptance Stamp Use on Bayonets and Scabbards (July 2022)

George Rose & Co. and the ROSCO M4 Bayonet (October 2022)

Post-War Trajectory of Beckwith Manufacturing Co. (July 2022)

The Role of Cost in Post-War U.S. Bayonet Design (updated May 2023)

Scabbards Produced by Viz Manufacturing Co. and Wilson-Duggar Co. (updated July 2021)

Turner Manufacturing Co. M4 Bayonet Production (June 2022)

Other Author's Articles of Interest

24 Tipos de Cubo en Bayonetas Encontradas en España (24 Types of Socket Bayonets Found in Spain) by Juan L. Calvó: Article (in Spanish) documenting Spanish socket bayonets from 1715 trough the Remington rolling block.

Bayonets for the Heckler & Koch Assault Rifles by R.D.C. Evans: A great article covering the many bayonet variants used with the G3 assault rifle.

Discovering Yugoslavian M95M Rifles and Bayonets by Dennis D. Ottobre: Well researched article on a little-known variant of the Austrian M1895 rifle and bayonet.

Turkish Conversion Bayonets to fit US M1 Garand Rifle by Dennis D. Ottobre: Article on the Mauser bayonets that Turkey converted for use on the U.S. M1 Garand rifle during the Korean War era.

The Norwegian Model 1894 Short Knife Bayonet modified c.1956 to fit the U.S. M1 Carbine by R.D.C. Evans: Article in which my U.S. M1 Carbine and Norwegian M/1956 SLK bayonet are featured.


© Ralph E. Cobb 2010 All Rights Reserved

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